Wisdom for the Modern Architect
by Global Architect
A newsletter for business-oriented architects to feed their curious minds.
Carefully curated by Aitor Arteta.
🕑 5 Minute Read
Welcome to a new episode of the Wisdom for the Modern Architect series, where I share a dose of ideas, research conclusions, principles, models, books, podcasts, tools, and other random stuff with you, personally curated by myself.
Let’s get started.
📍 Message of the week
Architecture is a long-term career.
Don't waste your time doing boring and meaningless things.
Do “What you love” and “Be the best at it”.
📰 Story of the week
Not too long ago, I had a job that made me feel tired and demotivated.
10 years ago, I founded my own architecture and construction firm.
It was the kind of job where I was always waiting for the weekend.
I was distracted. Disoriented. Unfocused.
You can imagine how I ended up:
Stressed out, depressed and burned out.
I felt lost for some time.
I really hated my job.
Then, one day, I came across with a guy named Naval Ravikant.
He talked about doing what you love, and it made me think.
- What if being an architect could be more than just a way to pay bills?
- What if it could be something that makes you feel happy and fulfilled?
So I started trying to understand this idea better.
I read everything I could from Naval.
I looked for stories of people who turned their passions into a business.
After reading it all, this is what I’ve learned:
🦸♂️ Influencer of the week
Influencers are natural people, like you and me, who make an extraordinary job, and have the ability to inspire and lead with example.
In this episode:
If there’s someone “Doing what he likes the most”, that’s Gerardo.
Gerardo is the Principal Architect and CEO at Luxia Labs, an architecture firm that goes way beyond the design and creativity of projects.
But Gerardo is not just a traditional architect.
He is an adventurer, entrepreneur and traveler who spent more than 1 year backpacking the world.
Someone who discovered his Ikigai early in life.
After this trip and having a global vision of the real estate business, he decided to open his architecture studio, Luxia Labs, with his partner Juan Raul.
Today he dedicates himself to help Architects like you, who have that thirst for entrepreneurship, to have their own firm, and more than anything, they want Architecture to be a really profitable business with constant clients.
Worth following.
🛠️ Tool of the week
Digital tools that will make you a more productive architect, producing more using less effort.
The tool I reviewed this week:
Consider using Miro and mental models to help you discover “What you like”.
Miro as a giant digital whiteboard on your computer that will help you map your mental models.
It's a big canvas where you can draw, plan, and brainstorm with your team, even if you're not in the same place.
Try it, use it, and let me know what you think.
📘 Book of the week
Reading books is like sucking other minds that have already been in your place.
Why should you reinvent the wheel when someone else is showing you the way?
The book I recommend you to read (obviously):
This was one of the books I discover after reading Naval.
If you often feel like something's missing in your work, "Ikigai" can help you find what truly excites you and makes your job more satisfying.
Read this book if you want to change the course of your life.
I wish I had read it sooner, like Gerardo did.
📝 Posts of the week
Top-notch architects are always learning.
These publications give you direct access to my experiences, where I share my views.
Much like having a mentor to guide you through today's complex challenges.
The best posts of the week are:
- Architects are in a state of emotional disintegration. Aren’t they?
- Architect, are you worried about your income?
- I no longer design architectural plans
- Don't trade your health for money
Use these posts to find new relationships, engage with other people and learn new things.
Maybe you'll find something new that you really enjoy doing.
♟️ Quote of the week
Quotes make you reflect and think.
The quote of the week was:
Freedom and discipline might seem like they're on opposite ends.
But they're actually closely linked.
As architects aiming to become great entrepreneurs, it's important to understand this connection.
Because discipline is a key ingredient to "Do what you love" and "Be good at it".
❤️ Healthy of the week
Your health is the most important thing you need to take care of.
Above anything else. Including your architectural career. It's not worth it.
Here is the highlight of the week:
To keep doing “What you love”, you have to take care of yourself, partner.
Success is not just about being a great architect or designer.
But also about the small steps we take and the tiny wins we celebrate along the way.
Your mental health is your most valuable asset.
Take care of it, and remember, every small step forward is a victory in itself.
💎 Business of the week
Architecture is big business, and it’s on track to becoming even bigger in the coming years.
A lot of companies are emerging to make life easier for AEC professionals by improving job site safety, streamlining project communication, opening up job access, and more.
Keep an eye on the companies that will disrupt the industry.
This business of the week is:
Branch Technology is a startup in Tennessee that focuses on 3D printing large structures using special cellular fabrication techniques.
Their tech can make custom parts in all sorts of shapes and sizes. This means more design freedom and less waste compared to regular construction methods.
They've worked on projects in fields like architecture and aerospace, making eco-friendly and efficient buildings.
These folks are clearly “Doing what they love” and really “Good at it”.
💥 Offer of the week
Tired of doing “What you don't like”?
Fed up with a slow career progression?
We've got a faster way.
We offer 1-on-1 Coaching to speed up your progress.
It can take over a year to figure out audience building, content creation, social media, emails, and getting clients.
With our method, you'll reach your goals much faster.
We will also help you find your Ikigai moment.
Limited Spots: We keep our coaching sessions small so we can give you our full attention.
Subscribers First: Our newsletter subscribers get first access.
It's our way of showing appreciation for your support.
Ready to level up? Join now and be first in line for coaching.
❓ Quick Question
I'm working on understanding our audience better so we can make more helpful content.
Help me with this question:
Who do you usually sell your architectural products or services to?
- Only non-professional people (families, businesses.
- To everyone who can buy
- To professionals related to construction (other architects, construction companies, real estate developers)
Reply to this email and let me know.
🔐 Membership
For those who enjoyed this content, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
There's more value inside the Global Architect Membership, an exclusive area where you will have full access to all the content, including the Notion databases, challenges and resources to apply into your business.
Reading free stuff is ok. But putting this concepts into practice, growing your business, making money is even greater.
That's what we do inside.
I'll let you discover it.
⏪ Previously
If you missed any of the previous episodes, don't trip over the same stone twice.
Here they are:
- Nikita Morell, Canva and This is Marketing
- Ray Brown, Calendly and Building A Second Brain
- Marc Müskens, Google Chrome and Architect + Entrepreneur Vol 2
🎖 Sponsors
Wisdom for the Modern Architect has quickly become one of the most influential newsletters for business-oriented architects.
Each week, they receive a deep dive covering topics ranging from growth and decision making to business, financial and productivity tools.
Would you like to sponsor our newsletter and help those architects?
♻️ Ps
Forward this email to someone who needs to "Do What they Like”