Do what feels like play to you. But work to others.

Table of Contents

I hated my job

Not too long ago, I had a job that made me feel tired and demotivated.

10 years ago, I founded my own architecture and construction firm.

It was the kind of job where I was always waiting for the weekend.

You can imagine how that ended up:

Stressed, depressed and burnout.


Then, one day, I came across with a guy named Naval Ravikant.

He talked about “doing what you love”, and it made me think.

  • What if being an architect could be more than just a way to pay bills?
  • What if it could be something that makes you feel happy and fulfilled?


So I started trying to understand this idea better.

I read everything I could from Naval.

I looked for stories of people who turned their passions into a business.

And tried to apply them into my own business.

What I found was really inspiring.


It wasn't just about working hard or chasing wild dreams.

It was about finding the Ikigai.

A spot where what you love to do matches what the world needs and is willing to pay for.

It was about making work feel like an exciting adventure instead of a boring chore.


Do what feels like play to you. But work to others


And that's why we're here today.

I want to share what I learned on this moment of my career.

I want to explore how doing what felt like play changed my life.

And can change yours as well.


Together, we'll figure out how to find your passion.

So whether you're:

  • stuck in your architecture job that doesn't make you happy
  • or just curious about how be an architect and have fun


this letter is for you.


But first…


Who is Naval Ravikant?

Naval is someone your architecture school would never mention to you.

Read till the end, and you will understand why.


This guy isn't the typical Silicon Valley entrepreneur.

He's an angel investor, a philosopher and a deep thinker on matters of life and career.

Naval is really good at sharing wise ideas that make you pause and reflect.


One of his most famous quotes is:

"Play long-term games with long-term people" by Naval

What does that mean?

It's all about the idea that true success doesn't happen overnight.

It's not about quick wins. It's all about consistent, focused effort over time.

When you're doing what you love, you're more likely to keep doing it for a long time.

This is how you create lasting relationships.

And it all begins with genuinely helping others.


But maybe one of his most important thoughts is about being happy.

He says that happiness comes when you're working towards something and making progress.

When your work feels like fun, you're naturally more excited, and that progress becomes a happy adventure.


So, Naval Ravikant's ideas aren't just about making money or achieving success.

They're about finding happiness and fulfilment through your work.

I wish architecture schools had taught us these lessons.

Instead of focusing so much on Art History.


Doing What You Love

As I told you before, I had a job that made me feel tired and unmotivated.

But it wasn't always like that.


There was a time when I woke up in the morning and felt super excited about the day.

I didn't feel bad about the long list of things I had to do.

Instead, I was really happy to start because it felt like playing.

This happens when you do what you love.

I don't think this is the usual way architects start their day.

(But please, I don't want to make anyone upset.)


So why is doing what you love so important?


Well, let's break it down:

You're going to spend a big chunk of your life working.

If you truly like the work, it won't feel like a big problem.

Instead, it becomes a source of genuine happiness.


Architecture is a long-term career.

So if you don't enjoy what you're doing, it's going to be really tough, especially if you're just starting out.

But don't worry, you've got time to discover what you love to do best.


That's why passion should be your superpower.

It gives you the energy and determination to keep going, even when the going gets tough.

Because there will be days when you don't want to get out of bed.

And it's on those days when you'll need your passion.

When you do what you love, you're more likely to push yourself to keep going.


Be obsessed

But your passion doesn't just benefit you.

When you're passionate, your enthusiasm spreads to others.

People can feel your excitement, and they're drawn to what you do.

Can you feel my passion for helping other architects succeed as you read these lines?

Your customers will feel your passion as well if you are able to communicate it.


People who read my posts and articles get energised and ready to take action.

They're genuinely interested, and they come to me, asking how they can improve their business.

This happens every day.


Whether you're starting your own business or working for someone else, be passionate.



Your passion is the key to building a profitable architecture business.

As Naval Ravikant wisely puts it:

“The only way to find your own flow is to do what you love” by Naval


But how do you figure out what that actually is?

It's a question that confuses architects like us.

Start by paying attention to what makes your heart race with excitement.


Identifying Your Passion

What could you talk about for hours on end?

Let’s say that you talk a lot about sustainability, Net zero buildings, interior design…

Okey, maybe we are close…


What activities make you lose track of time?

  • sketching and drawing architectural designs
  • visiting architectural sites and buildings
  • brainstorming ideas, solving design challenges


These are clues that can lead you to your passion.


Don't be afraid to experiment.

Trying out new things can help you uncover hidden interests.

Remember, it's okay to fail along the way.


Seek inspiration from others who've found their calling.

Read their stories, listen to their podcasts, and watch their interviews.

Here’s a list of the best podcasts you can listen and seek inspiration from.

You'll often find that their stories were filled with twists and turns before they discovered what truly made them come alive.


Additionally, consider your strengths and talents.

What are you naturally good at?

  • visualising and conceptualising spaces and structures
  • finding innovative solutions to design challenges
  • identifying and resolving problems effectively
  • you have a keen eye for detail


Sometimes, your passion aligns with your inherent skills.


My tip: Start matching “What you like” and “What you are good at”

🎓 Find out what really makes you happy with the Mindset – Ikigai challenge. It will help you find your passion so you can make a living from it.


Lastly, be patient with yourself.

Discovering your passion isn't a race.

It's a personal journey to discover yourself.

It might take time, but when you find it, you'll know.

And when you do what you love, it won't feel like work.


Overcoming Objections

So, you've found your passion, and you're all set to jump right into it. Now what?

Turning your passion into a successful business isn't always a walk in the park.

Challenges and obstacles will pop up along the way.


First off, there's the "how to make money" question.

Many architects worry that their passion won't pay the bills.

It's a common concern among many architects that their passion for architecture might not be enough to cover their expenses and make a living.

And that's a fact. It's tough to earn a living as an architect these days.


At the beginning I handled this pressure by finding a balance between following my passion and taking on projects that paid well.

This involved working on various projects, even if they weren't my ideal designs, just to keep my business going.

The money part was difficult, I’m not gonna lie.

But I've discovered new ways to make my passion for architecture fit into a stable career.

Nowadays I make money by selling courses and offering coaching and consulting sessions.

And I absolutely love it.


As you become excellent at what you love, you become more valuable to others.

This can open up various opportunities for monetising your passion.


My tip: Explore additional sources of income

🎓 Understand how an architect can make more money with the Business – Income Streams Challenge. You will be able to diversify your revenue and minimise risks.


Another challenge is dealing with naysayers.

Not everyone will understand or support your decision to pursue your passion. That's okay.

Stay true to your vision and let your success speak for itself.


Time management can be a hurdle too.

Balancing your passion project with daily responsibilities can be a juggling act.

Focusing on the one thing you're best at and outsource the rest whenever possible.


My tip: Do what you really love. And outsource and delegate the rest.

🎓 Learn to prioritize and manage your time with the Operations – Time Challenge. It will help you stay more productive and focus on the tasks that are really important.


Fear of failure is a big one.

Failure is often a stepping stone to success.

Do you remember the How To Overcome An Architect’s Limiting Beliefs article?

Imperfections are a natural part of the creative process.


Naval reminds us that:

"All the real benefits in life come from compound interest."

This means that small, consistent efforts over time can lead to significant results.

Don't worry if you make mistakes. They're a normal part of the game.

Just have faith in the process. Keep working and learning.

Tiny wins compound into exponential growth.


Finally, stay adaptable.

Turning what feels like play into a successful business may not be a straight line.

When we began with the Global Architect concept, our main focus was the MBA program.

It lasted for 12 months, and it required customers to commit for a long time.

Even though we had some people taking part, it wasn't making enough money.

Then, we switched to a newsletter approach, where we introduced a new challenge every week.

By making it easier for people to join in, our audience could now afford to participate in individual challenges.

That was the turning point when our business began to take off.


Not just us. Other companies also started one way and ended up another.

Youtube was originally created as a dating site.

Twitter was a platform for finding and subscribing to podcasts.

Netflix started as a mail-order DVD rental website.

Even the biggest ones have to pivot.


Be open to change.

Learn from your experiences, and adjust your course as needed.


In essence, overcoming these challenges is part of running your own business.

But when you're doing what you love, the passion and determination you feel can help you push through even the toughest obstacles.


What did I learn?

There were times when things went well, and times when they didn't.

After reading about Naval, The Ikigai, and more, I discovered my passion.

If I had to sum up what I've learned, here are the top three things:


Passion Leads to Fulfilment

Architecture is a vocational career, right. But you have to love what you do.

Doing what you love will transform your monotonous work into joy and fulfilment.

As an architect, what do you really like doing?


Think in the long-term

Play long-term games with long-term people. Think of your passion as a long-term game.

And surround yourself with those who believe in you and your vision.


Overcoming Challenges

This entrepreneurial journey isn't without its bumps and bends.

You'll face challenges, doubts, and uncertainties. That's okay. It's all part of the ride.

The key is to stay true to your passion, to keep learning and growing, and to never lose sight of what truly matters to you.


Need help overcoming your challenges?

Just ask for help, mate.

Send me an email:



Life is too short to spend it doing work that drains your soul.

It's too precious to be wasted on something that doesn't ignite your passion.


Naval's words resonates strongly in this context:

"Seek wealth, not money or status.”

Wealth means having assets that make money for you while you are sleeping.

Assets like what we create using our approach at Global Architect.

We can now productize our passion into affordable lessons.

And diversify our income by helping other architects.


Turn your passion into assets.

This is how you truly build wealth.

Create a life with passion and adventure.

Feel excited to face new challenges.

They're part of the game you love.

Make your work feel like play.

And enjoy it to the fullest.



Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you with:

1. If you're still looking for traction in your architecture business, subscribe to the Wisdom for the Modern Architect Newsletter. Every week you will get actionable ideas, mental models and resources to help you build a profitable business.

2. In case you want to level up your business, you can get Full Access to the Global Architect Roadmap, and unlock Challenge & Solutions with all the resources and tools, exclusively reserved for our paid members, by Upgrading your Membership.

See you around ✌️


Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways we can help you with:



If you’re still seeking traction in your architecture business, subscribe to the Wisdom for the Modern Architect Newsletter. Every week, you will get actionable ideas, mental models, and resources to help you build a profitable business.


Ready to fast-track your success? Our Sprints are actionable, on-demand courses specifically crafted to equip you with the skills you need to earn more and grow your architecture business.


If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, consider our exclusive 1-on-1 consulting sessions. Get tailored advice, strategic insights, and hands-on support to overcome your unique challenges and achieve your goals.

Unlock your potential
Get full access to challenge & solutions, complete your Global Architect Roadmap, and unlock all the resources and tools, exclusively reserved for our paid members.

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