What is the average salary of an architect in every country?

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We already know that you are a great architect.

You dedicate all the time in the world to your projects.

You master all kinds of design programs and produce plans like a machine.

But when payday comes, you look at your paycheck and think:

“What is this shit?”

You can’t even make ends meet with your salary.

I feel you. You’re not alone.


The pay-check fight isn’t just about you. It’s a global thing.

In some places, architects work just as hard and make a lot less—a hell of a lot less.

But why should I care?

Because your great design skills are no longer enough.

You need to learn new business skills and start making more money.

It’s time to look at the big picture and change your strategy.


The Reality of Architect Salaries Globally

I have asked my friend Frank (my super ChatGPT Agent) to make me a list of the 50 countries with the most architects.

Then, I asked him to tell me the average salary in each country and compare them in dollars so we could get an idea of their relationship.

And here are the results:

Country Name# of ArchitectsAvg. Salary (Local Currency)Avg. Salary (USD)
United States110,000+$100,000$100,000
Denmark2,200+DKK 600,000$95,000
Norway5,000+NOK 650,000$75,900
Canada25,000+CAD 80,000$63,000
Australia20,000+AUD 80,000$58,000
United Kingdom40,000+£40,000$55,000
Russia25,000+RUB 1,200,000$16,000
Mexico55,000+MXN 200,000$10,000
Argentina35,000+ARS 800,000$8,000

🗄 The complete list has 50 countries.

Here, I only show you 20, so we can get an idea.


A Closer Look at Salary Disparities

You already know that architectural salaries can vary wildly from country to country.

But let’s zoom in a bit and talk numbers.

In the United States, architects pull in an average of around $80,000 to $100,000 a year. Not too shabby.

But then you flip the globe and head to Mexico, and the picture changes dramatically.

Architects there are taking home an average of $10,000 annually.

It’s a real eye-opener, isn’t it?


And don’t even get me started on countries where the cost of living is sky-high.

Places like Switzerland or Norway.

Where everything from a cup of coffee to rent can make your wallet cry.

However, architects in these countries do not necessarily earn enough money to cover these high costs.

For instance, the average architect’s salary in Switzerland is around $87,000.

And in Norway, it’s about $76,000.

Decent, yes. But not enough when you factor in the cost of living in those countries.


A Zoom out

Here are the numbers with a wider perspective.

The amount of architects is +1 million, and the average salary is $38,400.

(Remember, we are only analyzing 50 countries, but there are many more.)

Europe has the most architects, and most of their countries (15/23 – 65%) have salaries above the average.

Asia has nearly the same amount of architects, but only 38% (5/13) of the countries earn above the average salary.

On the other hand, in South America, only Chile makes the average salary; the rest, 91%, are below it.

Obviously, I have nothing else to say about North America.

(These numbers are available on the full table.)


Territory# Countries# ArchitectsAverage Salary $
South America11230,000$15,000
North America2135,000$81,500€


The ‘Why’ Behind the Numbers

Let’s get analytical for a moment.

Have you ever stopped to think about why this income disparity exists?

It’s not that architects in one country try harder or have more credentials.

No, it’s a mix of factors like supply and demand, standard of living, and, yes, even cultural attitudes toward architecture.

In some places, being an architect is like being a local celebrity.

In others, you’re just another chicken in the barnyard.


In Japan, for example, architects are highly respected and earn an average salary of about $55,000.

The culture there values architectural expertise, and that shows in the salaries.

There are also countries where architects are plentiful, but opportunities are scarce, resulting in a wide range of salaries.

That’s the case in Spain, for example.

There are more than 50,000 architects, but there are very few opportunities to work, so architects lower their fees.

I guess you might have a similar situation in your country, right?


So why does all this matter to you?

Because this overview can help you improve your situation.

And, obviously, you can rethink what steps you need to take next.

If architects in another country with a similar cost of living earn more, it’s a signal to step up their efforts.


Why Being a Design Nerd Isn’t Enough

The Limitations of Your Technical Skills

You might be an AutoCAD nerd, SketchUp, or whatever design tool is hot right now.

That’s cool. But let’s be real.

Knowing how to create a stunning design or a spectacular 3D model is not everything.

You can draw the dreamiest buildings and the slickest interiors.

But if you don’t know how to sell those designs or manage a project efficiently, you’re leaving money on the table.

Sure, you’ll get some oohs and aahs for your stunning visuals.

But unless you know how to turn those into cold, hard cash, you’re only scratching the surface of your potential.


What You’re Missing on the Business Side

The word “business” might make you cringe.

Especially if you entered the architectural field driven by your passion for design.

But hey, no one’s saying you have to give up that passion.

What you need to do is pair it with some business lessons.

You can still be a Pro Artist while being a great Entrepreneur.

We’re talking basic marketing, people skills, and sales tactics (the works).

And it’s not as boring as it sounds.


You could be the greatest designer in the world.

But if you can’t negotiate a good contract or are clueless about attracting more clients, you’re playing a losing game.

It’s like owning a Ferrari but not knowing how to drive it.

Or you could have Messi on your team and leave him on the bench.

Or being a gourmet chef but not knowing how to run a restaurant.

What is the point of having such great skills and not using them?

You follow me, right?


It’s time to diversify your skills.

Learn about sales techniques.

Sign up for a digital marketing course.

Or simply learn to manage your time better.

You have plenty of options.

All you have to do is take the first step.


What did I learn?

1) Geographical Variance

Architect salaries can differ widely depending on the country and even the region within that country.

High-cost-of-living areas like the UAE might offer higher salaries, but that could be offset by the living expenses.

On the other hand, countries like Sweden offer competitive salaries and a robust social security net, adding another layer of attraction for potential job seekers.


2) Market Saturation

An essential figure to consider is the estimated number of architects in a country.

Countries with fewer architects could offer less competition but also fewer opportunities.

Alternatively, a higher number of architects could indicate a saturated market.

But also one that potentially has more variety in the types of projects available.


3) Skill and Specialization Premium

Not all architectural roles are created equal, and this is evident from the salary ranges even within the same country.

Countries with advanced construction and infrastructure sectors, such as Sweden and the UAE, tend to pay a premium for specialized skills.

Whether it’s sustainable design, commercial architecture, or project management, having a niche skill can significantly boost your income potential.

So now, along with geographical variance and market saturation, understanding the value of specialized skills in your field can offer a more comprehensive view of your career planning.


Next steps

By now, you’ve got a pretty good lay of the land.

Knowing what the world is willing to pay you for and where.

But knowing isn’t enough, it’s doing that counts.

How do you make sure that the math on your income and expenses actually makes sense at the end of the day?


Introduction to Business Basics

That starts with a good old understanding of business basics.

You need to know where your money is coming from and where it’s going.

Control your invoices, make sure your clients pay, and watch your expenses.

The goal is to have more money coming in than going out. It’s obvious.

But it’s amazing how many architects get it wrong.


My tip: Learn the Business Fundamentals with us.

🎓 Start building your architecture business with the Business Challenges. It will help you understand the basic business principles to start small and grow fast.




It’s good that you’re a great architect and that you make great designs.

But you’re more than just an architect who designs buildings.

You’ll have family and friends you want to be with, and you’ll have a life to live.

If you want to enjoy a full and healthy life, you need more money.

And money doesn’t fall from the sky.

You’ll have to start taking charge of your life for once.

Seeing how things are going around the world, you must learn how to survive.

Because your pitiful architect’s salary is not going to get you by.

If you want to get ahead, you’re going to have to learn:

  • how to talk to clients
  • how to manage your time
  • how to manage your business


And above all, you’re going to have to learn how to make more money.

When you get good at these things, you’ll stop being stuck.

You’ll earn more and feel better about your work.

And most of all, you’ll enjoy life much more.


It’s time to stop talking about getting better and actually do it.

Let’s get back to work and earn more money.



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