90% of Your Audience Will Never Interact With You

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90% of your audience will never interact with you

Back when I was just starting out with Bamboo, almost no one who saw my portfolio online talked to me.

And it was not because I was not standing out.

That was another problem, I already fixed that.

I had post my designs on social media, but nothing happened.

No likes. No comments. No customers.

It felt like I was all alone, shouting out into the space.


I remember those early days with Bamboo Arquitectura.

Staring at my computer, hoping someone would appreciate my “awesome portfolio”.

I wasn't looking for validation or likes. I just wanted to feel like my work meant something to other people. That it touched them somehow.

But when no one said anything, I started feeling really down.

I wondered if maybe I wasn't good enough or if people just didn't care about what I was doing.

This silence, day after day, started making me feel really bad.

I got anxious and even a little depressed.

I felt lost and alone, like my work didn't matter.


The same thing happened when I started writing about business and marketing.

I started publishing my ideas on how to create an online business for architects.

Even so, when I publish some specific topics, very few people feel identified with them, and that's normal.


No one or very few people resonated with my content.


In this article I will show you what I learned about Marketing and what you can do to engage with your audience.


Ever heard of the Rule of 7 in marketing?

It's this idea that your customers need to see your stuff at least 7 times before they decide to bite the bullet and buy.

Now, think about that in the context of your architecture firm.

Not everyone interacting your content will become your customer.

They might like a couple of your projects, your posts on LinkedIn, and that’s all.

You have a silent audience, almost 90% of your online audience, who browse without saying a word.

They're part of your average buyer crowd.

Your job is to make sure your awesome project or service you provide, gets in front of them.

And not just once, but 7 times. At least.


Sounds like a bit much?

Well, considering that a single post only reaches 2-10% of your network, repetition is not only useful, it's necessary.

That's why I post at least twice a day on LinkedIn.

Because not everyone is going to read all my posts.

I just seed hundreds of opportunities for conversation.

Because, sometimes, some of those publications will trigger your audience.



And they'll come to you.


So, how do you crack this nut?

First things first, let go of those magic pill fantasies.

It's all about routines, patience, and a solid strategy.

Keep repeating the good stuff, but also keep it real.

No one likes a salesy post.


The hard part is ignoring thoughts like:

  • Your offer: do you have one and share it?
  • How long do I have to keep doing this
  • People probably already know this
  • People probably already read this
  • How will they ever buy from you?
  • How will they reach out to you?
  • How will they know you exist?
  • Average buyer: who are they?
  • It doesn't work" (yet)


We all have been there, mate. We all asked those questions to ourselves.

This is the classical Impostor Syndrome keeping you from taking action.

Avoiding your aspirational and creative person to move on.


Guess what?

Inaction and random content won't win you clients.

Perseverance, routines, and clarity will.

It’s about sticking to a simple plan and executing it repetitively.


Although that 90% of your audience will never interact with you, they are passively watching and listening to what you do.

They may not be ready to interact (yet) because you haven't discovered the right trigger.

The content game is all about figuring out where and how to find that trigger.


Key takeaways from my experience

While trying to effectively engage our quiet audience, this is what I learned:

Identify your Audience

I analyzed my customers by learning who they were, their needs, and the reasons they chose my services or products.

This involved collecting data on their preferences, behaviors, and feedback.


I analyzed my customers by learning who they were, their needs, and the reasons they chose my services or products.


Through this, I identified patterns and trends that helped me tailor my offerings to their specific needs.

This effective customer analysis led to improved service, targeted marketing, and ultimately, stronger customer relationships.

It was a crucial part of my successful business strategy, especially during my transition into an entrepreneurial role.


My tip: Create in-depth customer profiles that give you a clear picture of who you're designing for.

🎓 Ever feel like you're shooting in the dark when it comes to understanding your clients? Illuminate your strategy with the Audience – Customer Profile Sprint. Understand their desires, challenges, and what drives their decisions. Tailor your services to resonate deeply with your clients.


Adapt to your Customer Awareness

I realized that customers were very knowledgeable because information was easily accessible to them.

This gave them more control over the buying decisions than us, the architects, and made pushy selling methods ineffective.

I learned about the Customer’s Journey, which are the steps buyers go through before deciding to purchase.

As an architect, I found that understanding this journey, along with the buyer's problems and the factors that influence their decisions, greatly improved my ability to connect with them.

This understanding was key in adapting my approach to better meet their needs.


My Tip: Understand the different zones and tailor your approach to your customers.

🎓 Want to really understand your clients? Dive into the Audience – Awareness Matrix Sprint. It's about figuring out what your clients know and don't know, so you can talk to them just right. This helps you connect better and make more impact.


Diversify content

I created diverse forms of content to cater to the different preferences in my silent audience.

I wrote blog posts for those who enjoyed reading, produced videos for those who preferred visual content, and offered virtual tours for an interactive experience.


I created diverse forms of content to cater to the different preferences in my silent audience.


This variety helped me connect with various types of people, each with their own favorite way of learning about our services.


In future episodes I will show you my Content Strategy. Stay tuned.


My tip: Create content that engages with your audience.

🎓 Tired of your amazing architectural work going unnoticed? Step up your game with the Marketing – Content Sprint. Learn how to create and share content that showcases your expertise, engages your audience, and sets you apart in the industry.


By doing this, I was able to capture the attention of a wider audience.

And I reached potential clients who might be interested in what we had to offer.



90% of your audience will never interact with you. And that’s okay.

There are 2 main things you need to focus on:

  • Give your best attention to that 10%, and talk to them
  • Understand what the rest of 90% is looking for


That 10% may have the answers to the questions you are asking.

Ask them why they interacted with you and what interested them.

Use what you learn to keep posting and engaging more of your silent audience.


Final message to all architects:

Don't be shy about telling what you do.

You have great skills and people should know about it.

Once a week, tell your audience about your great services.

Keep it simple and straightforward.

You'll see how they'll start coming to you when they need something.

It could be hiring an architect, some kind of personalized service….

You just have to position your brand at the top of their minds.

You can only do that if you constantly promote your services.


And remember that success doesn't happen overnight.

It's like building a house, it takes time and effort.

Don't expect your first post to be a hit right away.

Keep posting, and keep sharing your work.

It's all about taking small steps and being patient.


Start posting, keep it real, and watch your hard work pay off.

Not many people are going to like you.

But they will definitely be watching you.

Make sure you give them a good show.



Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you with:

1. If you're still looking for traction in your architecture business, subscribe to the Wisdom for the Modern Architect Newsletter. Every week you will get actionable ideas, mental models and resources to help you build a profitable business.

2. In case you want to level up your business, you can get Full Access to the Global Architect Roadmap, and unlock Challenge & Solutions with all the resources and tools, exclusively reserved for our paid members, by Upgrading your Membership.

See you around ✌️


Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways we can help you with:



If you’re still seeking traction in your architecture business, subscribe to the Wisdom for the Modern Architect Newsletter. Every week, you will get actionable ideas, mental models, and resources to help you build a profitable business.


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