Antonio Gonzalez, Teachable and The War of Art

Table of Contents

Wisdom for the Modern Architect

by Global Architect

A newsletter for business-oriented architects to feed their curious minds.

Carefully curated by Aitor Arteta.


🕑 5 Minute Read

Welcome to a new episode of the Wisdom for the Modern Architect series, where I share a dose of ideas, research conclusions, principles, models, books, podcasts, tools, and other random stuff with you, personally curated by myself.

Let’s get started.


📍 Message of the week

Many architects are great designers. They are artists.

But they can't make a living. They feel stressed. Some also get burned out 🔥.

To avoid that you have to think like an entrepreneur and learn about business.


📰 Story of the week

Ever stayed up late just drawing or designing, feeling like it's just you and your art?

Then, the next day, you find yourself lost in numbers and tables.

Scratching your head about how to sell your killer designs to your client.

Sounds familiar, huh?

That’s 'cause you're juggling two worlds:

the Artist's and the Entrepreneur's.


I would spend hours with my sketchbook, making things that made me so happy.

Creating made me feel so good.

But then, out of nowhere, a bill came that I couldn't pay.

I looked around my little room. It was full of art.

But empty of money.

That's when it hit me.

I was a broke and starving architect.

Yep… my “Art” couldn’t pay the bills.


This is how making money gave me time. Time to do the art I love:


🦸‍♂️ Influencer of the week

Influencers are natural people, like you and me, who make an extraordinary job, and have the ability to inspire and lead with example.

In this episode:


Antonio loves all kinds of arts, history, cinema, chess, running, and jazz concerts.

But he’s best known for being one of the many authors of IFC.js. He loves programming.

And he’s also an avid entrepreneur.

He’s was the Cofounder at UnMatter, as an Unreal Developer.

Today, he’s the CEO at That Open Company, where he continues to develop his art.

He’s a living example of the Entrepreneurial Artist 🦄


🛠️ Tool of the week

Digital tools that will make you a more productive architect, producing more using less effort.

The tool I reviewed this week:


Teachable helps architects engage with their clients and get paid on their own terms with courses, coaching and downloadable content.

So, if you're an Artist, but need to pay the bills and scale your business, this is the tool you've been looking for.

Try it, use it, and let me know what you think.


📘 Book of the week

Reading books is like sucking other minds that have already been in your place.

Why should you reinvent the wheel when someone else is showing you the way?

The book I recommend you to read:


If you're an architect, you're probably a creative. But let's face it, we all hit walls.

Making money with architecture was never easy.

"The War of Art" helps you break through those walls.

This book is not just for architects. It is for anyone who has a job that needs a creative mind.

And that includes you.


📝 Posts of the week

Top-notch architects are always learning.

These publications give you direct access to my experiences, where I share my views.

Much like having a mentor to guide you through today's complex challenges.

The best posts of the week are:


Use these posts to find new relationships, engage with other people and learn new things.


♟️ Quote of the week

Quotes make you reflect and think.

The quote of the week was:


Artists are the dreamers. Entrepreneurs are the doers.

When an artist and an entrepreneur work together, amazing things can happen.

Which one are you?


🎧 Song of the week

⚡️ Let's energize your day with a little bit of music.

The song of the week is:


This is an interpretation of the classic Phil Collins song.

With a little bit more power.

A piece of art.


❤️ Healthy of the week

Your health is the most important thing you need to take care of.

Above anything else. Including your architectural career. It's not worth it.

Here is the highlight of the week:


Lots of architects feel stressed.

You want to be creative and make cool designs.

At the same time, you need to make money to pay for stuff like rent and food.

It's like you are being pulled in two different ways. This is tough.

And it starts to mess with how you feel inside.


💎 Business of the week

Architecture is big business, and it’s on track to becoming even bigger in the coming years.

A lot of companies are emerging to make life easier for AEC professionals by improving job site safety, streamlining project communication, opening up job access, and more.

Keep an eye on the companies that will disrupt the industry.

This most valuable business of the week is:


Canibuild is a French architecture startup that offers a 3D modeling platform to architects, engineers, and contractors to make the design process more efficient and collaborative.

Their software can convert 2D drawings into 3D models and simulate lighting and materials for accurate visualization.

Canibuild also integrates with other BIM (Building Information Modeling) tools and offers cloud-based storage for easy file sharing.

This is how you transform Art into Money.


💥 Offer of the week

We get it.

You feel like an artist. You like to design magnificent buildings.

But your bank account doesn’t like the starving artist’s lifestyle.

You're grinding away but still don't have the money to pay the bills.

Aren’t you tired of not achieving your goals?


In our 1:1 Consulting Sessions, we can help you go from burned out to super pumped architect.

We will show you the lowdown on easy ways to work smarter, killer sales moves, and how to change your thinking, so you can keep doing what you love. Your architectural designs.


Architects who've done this tripled their income in only three months.

No bullshit. Just real-life tactics that actually work.

You also get our 'Quick-Start Business Kit for Architects.'

It's packed with ready-to-use guides, talk tracks, and a simple action plan.

Put these to work and see things change, fast.


We're so sure this will work for you that we’re including check-in calls twice a month for the first month to make sure you're crushing it.

And if you don’t see real changes in a month, we’ll give you your money back.

Secure your life-changing spot for this month's 1:1 consulting session.

Only got room for 4 people each month.

Our email pals get the first shot.

So, you snooze, you lose.


❓ Quick question

I'm working on understanding our audience better so we can make more helpful content.

Help me with this question:

Do you have a system in place to attract and retain your customers?

  • We have a wonderful sales funnel that attracts tons of new customers.
  • We have one but very simple, and it almost doesn't work.
  • I don't know what you're talking about either.


Reply to this email and let me know.


🔐 Membership

For those who enjoyed this content, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

There's more value inside the Global Architect Membership, an exclusive area where you will have full access to all the content, including the Notion databases, challenges and resources to apply into your business.

Reading free stuff is ok. But putting this concepts into practice, growing your business, making money is even greater.

That's what we do inside.

I'll let you discover it.


⏪ Previously

If you missed any of the previous episodes, don't trip over the same stone twice.

Here they are:


🎖 Sponsors

Wisdom for the Modern Architect has quickly become one of the most influential newsletters for business-oriented architects.

Each week, they receive a deep dive covering topics ranging from growth and decision making to business, financial and productivity tools.

Would you like to sponsor our newsletter and help those architects?

Let's work together.


♻️ Ps

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