Wisdom for the Modern Architect

by Global Architect

The Newsletter+ for business-oriented architects who want to go further.

Carefully and personally curated by Aitor Arteta.


🕑 5 Minute Read

Welcome to a new episode of the Wisdom for the Modern Architect series, where I share a dose of useful resources with you so you can build a profitable architecture business.

Let’s get started.


📍 Message of the week

Your architectural genius is lost in the digital crowd.

It's time to break free from the monotony.

Stand out, be seen, and let your designs do the talking.


Speaking about messages and stories…


😓 Mistake of the week

Every time I Googled architecture firms, mine was nowhere to be seen.

Buried under pages of results, it felt like my work didn't matter.

No calls, no new clients, just silence.

It was like being stuck in a shadow, watching others get all the spotlight.


It was tough.

Imagine putting your all into your work, only to realize that you're just a whisper among shouts.

I knew something had to change.

I couldn't just be another architect online.

I had to be the architect people noticed.


Here's the mistake you're probably making:


If there is anyone who has also discovered it, it is this one.


🦸‍♂️ Influencer of the week

Influencers are natural people, like you and me, who make an extraordinary job, and have the ability to inspire and lead with example.

In this episode:


Amy is the founder and lead marketing consultant for Markedly.

She has 15 years’ experience in branding, marketing and communications for national and international brands.

The last 10+ years has seen her working with architecture and interior design practices to develop their brand and market their work.

Amy takes a personal and hands on approach to working with clients to understand their business and deliver marketing solutions that create long term value.

If you want to learn about Branding and how to stand out as an architect, she’s the one.


Here are some ways that will help you fix or avoid this mistake.


🛠️ Tool of the week

Digital tools that will make you a more productive architect, producing more using less effort.

The tool I reviewed this week:


LinkedIn is a powerhouse for professional networking and personal branding.

And Architects should use it even more!

LinkedIn is a widely recognized social media platform designed specifically for professionals.

It boasts over 800 million users worldwide, making it a massive hub for networking and career development for architects.

Whether you're an established architect or just starting your career, LinkedIn has something valuable to offer.


For architects looking to excel in branding and standing out in their field, I've got an excellent book recommendation.


📘 Book of the week

Reading books is like sucking other minds that have already been in your place.

Why should you reinvent the wheel when someone else is showing you the way?

The book I recommend you to read:


This is a crucial read for architects looking to elevate their firm's visibility and business strategy.

It combines architecture, branding, and entrepreneurship in a way that's both insightful and practical.

The book is filled with strategies and worksheets to apply these ideas directly to an architecture firm, making it an invaluable tool for architects who want to stand out in a highly competitive industry.

While the book is tailored towards interior designers, its principles are universally applicable, especially for architects.


🎧 Song of the week

️Let's energize your day with a little bit of music.

The song of the week is:


This band brings back many memories of my youth.

They helped me a lot in a very hard time.

And every time I listen to them they give me a special vibe.

I hope it does the same for you.


If there is anything I can do to help you with your Architectural Firm, it is this:


💥 Offer of the week

Architect, your designs are impressive and you are capable of solving any design problem.

But does everybody know it?

Same brand, same website, same projects?

I get it, you're just another architecture firm in Google search.

And you can't stand out. Let’s fix that.


Join our Consulting Sessions – Only for Architects.

And let’s make you the go-to architect.


What you’ll get:

  1. We'll figure out what makes your work special.
  2. No more following the crowd. We'll make your brand timeless.
  3. No bragging. Just showing your great design stories.


This are straight talks, no BS, working sessions.

Let's make your brand great again.


Our consulting sessions are limited.

We only accept 5 architects each month.

And our subscribers get first chance.

December is already fully booked.

Reserve your spot for January.

And let's jump into an exciting 2024.

Don't wait or you'll miss out.


❓ Quick Question

Let's use this space for something different.

Instead of me asking you something, let’s use this opportunity to ask me something.

What would like to know about me or Global Architect?

If there is a question you are afraid to ask in public, this is your moment.



Reply to this email and I'll answer your question.

Don’t be shy. Go ahead and shoot.


Exclusive for Newsletter+ members.


🔐 Upgrade to Pro Membership

For those who enjoyed this content, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

There's more value inside the Global Architect Pro Membership.

Join now and you will get:


1) Early bird seats for every single week (+400€)

2) Unlock the Full Resources Library

3) A Community of Business-oriented Architects, ready to support you.


It's time to get serious with your ideas.

Upgrade to Pro Membership and give your business a boost.

Reserved for our Premium members.


⏪ Previously

If you missed any of the previous episodes, don't trip over the same stone twice.

Here they are:


🎖 Sponsors

Global Architect Newsletter and Newsletter+ have quickly become the most influential newsletters for business-oriented architects.

Each week, they receive a deep dive covering topics ranging from growth and decision making to business, financial and productivity tools.

Would you like to sponsor our newsletters and help those architects?

Make your brand the reference.


♻️ Ps

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