Aarni Heiskanen, Google Workspace and The Innovators Dilema

Table of Contents

Wisdom for the Modern Architect

by Global Architect

A newsletter for business-oriented architects to feed their curious minds.

Carefully curated by Aitor Arteta.


🕑 4 Minute Read

Welcome to a new episode of the Wisdom for the Modern Architect series, where I share a dose of ideas, research conclusions, principles, models, books, podcasts, tools, and other random stuff with you, personally curated by myself.

Let’s get started.


📰 Story of the week

For years, I was a dedicated architect pouring my heart and soul into every project.

My days were filled with long hours and hard work, yet my career seemed to plateau.

I couldn't understand why my efforts weren't translating into the success I had envisioned.

Something was missing.


It hurt me so much, that I started reading about these customer needs.

It’s when I discovered the Customer's Awareness Matrix.

I began to understand the importance of adapting my approach according to the client's level of awareness.

I learned to speak their language, address their concerns, and showcase my expertise in a way that truly resonated.


This is how I did it:


🦸‍♂️ Influencer of the week

Influencers are natural people, like you and me, who make an extraordinary job, and have the ability to inspire and lead with example.


In this episode:


He co-started Thinking Portfolio, a snazzy SaaS company.

They whip up tools for managing projects, IT stuff, and all things business. Over 350,000 users are loving it.

Aarni is also an author, a blogger, and a podcaster. His blog, AEC Business, is a real winner.

Oh, and he's got a podcast with the same name, available on iTunes and other podcast hangouts.

This guy's a true master of all trades.


📘 Book of the week

Reading books is like sucking other minds that have already been in your place.

Why should you reinvent the wheel when someone else is showing you the way?


The book I recommend you to read:


You know how sometimes a building looks great outside but doesn't work inside?

Well, businesses can be like that too.

This book shows how to see when changes are needed.

Even if it means doing things differently.

Especially in architecture.


🛠️ Tool of the week

Digital tools that will make you a more productive architect, producing more using less effort.


The tool I reviewed this week:


Google Workspace as a super toolbox for architects to boost their studio's productivity and efficiency.

Just like how you use various tools to create amazing buildings, Google offers a bunch of handy apps that work together like a well-coordinated team.

It's a must-have tool for an architect running a business.

Try it, use it, and let me know what you think.


📝 Posts of the week

Top-notch architects are always learning.

These publications give you direct access to my experiences, where I share my views.

Much like having a mentor to guide you through today's complex challenges.


The best posts of the week are:


Use these posts to find new relationships, engage with other people and learn new things.


♟️ Quote of the week

Quotes make you reflect and think.


The quote of the week was:


What was you first thought when you read it?


❤️ Health message of the week

Your health is the most important thing you need to take care of.

Above anything else. Including your architectural career. It's not worth it.


Here is the highlight of the week:


Just because you sometimes struggle with self-doubt, bad habits or you don't have a perfect morning routine doesn't make you any less successful architect.

It makes you a human being.

Keep going, my friend.

Take care ✌🏼


💎 Business of the week


This most valuable business of the week is:


ZIGURAT Institute of Technology is an online institution of Master’s and Postgraduate programs in the Built Environment and Tech Management in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Their mission is to inspire and educate the leaders of tomorrow through innovative programs.

Today, they are a large global community of more than 20,000 people from 120 different countries.

I personally studied the Global BIM Management Program in 2018.

Let me know if you are considering any of their programs.

I will give you my honest opinion.


🔐 Membership

For those who enjoyed this content, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

There's more value inside the Global Architect Membership, an exclusive area where you will have full access to all the content, including the Notion databases, challenges and resources to apply into your business.

Reading free stuff is ok. But putting this concepts into practice, growing your business, making money is even greater.

That's what we do inside.

I'll let you discover it.


♻️ Ps

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